EDA and Semiconductors

While Moore’s law continues to shape the semiconductor world the programmable features of semiconductors has a different kind of pressure of Semiconductor firms. Large Semiconductor firms now have more than 60% of their  SoC/ASIC design budgets allocated for software and verification activities. The workforce of a semiconductors firm now is dominated by software engineers reminding us of the classic saying “Software is eating the world”.

Vayavya’s approach to addressing the challenges of growing software content is by applying Computer Science techniques to deliver Tools &  Automation. A combination of domain-specific languages and formal methods for hardware and software specifications enables the semiconductor & system design firms to deploy a new design methodology in place. Vayavya provides tools that will harness the formal specifications and help automate bare metal software, Hardware Abstraction Layer(HAL), device drivers, verification & validation test cases, and test infrastructure. The methodology also helps automate documentation.

Vayavya aims to be a significant player in assuring a new era of tools, methodology and design flow for EDA, Semiconductor and System design firms in realising software-driven verification & validation and helping the industry to reduce the COST, EFFORT and TIME in delivering the silicon, software and systems.

Our offerings to the customers in this domain are:

EDA and Semiconductors
SoC-IP & Semiconductors:

Test bench and test case automation for verification and validation

Bare metal drivers / Hardware Abstraction Layer(HAL) code automation

Deployment of Portable Stimulus tools & methodology

Virtual platforms development and software enablement

Technology licensing and integration services

System Design Firms:

Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and OS specific device drivers automation

Domain-specific driver automation (e.g. MCAL drivers for the Automotive domain)

Middleware & Protocol design & development

Talk to us - Write Here

Please write to us if you want to know more about any of our solutions for the EDA / Semiconductors industry.