We all are aware of the generations of network technology. It started with 1G, 2G, 2.5G, 3G, and 4G, and now the latest buzz is about 5G. While a lot of our hopes are set on the exciting new services that 5G will bring, did you know that 5G was first widely deployed in 2019?
With this blog, let’s explore what 5G is and how it is being tested on virtual machines. Here I’ll focus on one small part of the Radio unit called the M-plane. We will look at the basic functions of the M-plane and then steps to test the M-plane on a virtual machine with some sample outputs. Let’s Start!
5G networks are cellular networks in which the service area is divided into small geographical areas called cells. All 5G wireless devices in a cell communicate by radio waves with a cellular base station via fixed antennas, over frequency channels assigned by the base station. A technical distinction between 4G and 5G is that 4G uses CDMA and CPRI for front haul connections, while 5G employs OFDM and eCPRI.
The solution includes support for various 3GPP bands, especially the low and mid bands like Band 71,29, and 40. It can be customized for other bands as well.
For more information, you can visit the link.
The basic view of the 5G core network
Let’s talk about the RU (Radio Unit)
RU(Radio Unit): RU is the radio hardware unit that converts radio signals sent to-and-from the antenna into a digital signal for transmission over packet networks. Besides handling the digital front end (DFE) and the lower PHY layer, it also handles digital beamforming. RU designs for 5G are supposed to be “inherently” intelligent, but size, weight, and power consumption are the key considerations.
Visit this link for more information on this
There are four traffic classes or planes in RU.
We will talk in detail about the M-plane, that is, the Management Plane.
The M-plane specification of O-RAN (Open RAN) is an open-source standard. M-plane is a server-client communication, based on Network configuration Protocol (Netconf). The software runs on the netconf server, and the netconf client connects to the server to manage the RU.
NETCONF Protocol:
You can read more about Netconf protocol here: RFC 6241: Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)
M-plane Architecture:
The O-DU and NMS correspond to Neconf-Client monitors and control the O-RU which is a Netconf server. Through the above controllers, M-plane manages everything in O-RU.
In the O-RAN specifications, two models are defined for the management plane: hierarchical and hybrid. Let’s know in brief about them-
M-plane supports both architectures as per the O-RAN standard specification. But the M-plane design or development still depends on the vendor’s requirements.
M-plane has two important components: the SIL code and the Backend Code.
SIL code is based on YANG files. And Backend is developed for features supported by M-plane defined in the specification.
YANG is a Data Modeling language used to model configuration and state data manipulated by the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF), NETCONF remote procedure calls, and NETCONF notifications.
For more information read: YANG – A Data Modeling Language for the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) RFC 6020
The O-RU M-plane supports some of these basic YANG models:
There are several YANG models defined by Yuma-works. We can use any version of the O-RAN standard and develop an M-plane to support YANG defined in that version.
Let’s look at an example that supports version 3.0 of the O-RAN standard specification of an M-plane.
The basic functions of an M-plane are:
The above diagram is a procedure for a call home. The DHCP server will give all the information related to the surrounding netconf clients(O-DU) to the netconf server(O-RU). Once the server gets the information, it will start sending TCP connection requests to those IPs, and if any client is listening on the same port it will be connected to the netconf server. During the connection, the server will exchange the capabilities, i.e., all features or YANG models the server supports.
For more information, you can read the O-RAN m-plane specification.
Once the connection is established, the Client gets the information or can start configuring O-RU using the below functions.
The O-RU notifies the Netconf client by sending notification messages defined by the Netconf protocol with the following detailed information:
This function supports the following features:
All the above basic functions are developed in the M-plane and tested on Virtual machines and Real RU boards. There is always a scope for more features that can be developed and tested.
The M-plane software as a netconf server usually runs on the Linux OS. You can run the Netconf-server by following the instructions below:
Testing on VM (Linux System only):
->$ sudo netconfd-pro
->$ sudo zmq_services.py (this script is responsible for the services related to M-plane using the zmq socket library)
-> $ sudo yangcli-pro ncport 22 server=<server-ip> user=<server-username> password=<server-password>
After connecting the Client to the server you can check all yang model-related functions using Create, Merge, and x-get commands, etc.
Example: Below image shows the x-get operation of interfaces. It will show all the interfaces available on the VM. Yangcli-pro is a client-side application to connect the Netconf server using the Netconf protocol, which also comes with yumapro-sdk.
How to use and run other operations using yangcli-pro Yuma yangcli Manual – Yuma123 Wiki
Sample Output:
The purpose of this blog was to provide a brief overview of 5G, and some of its components. Especially the M-plane – based on my working experience in the field. I hope you find it useful as a starting point in discovering and learning about 5G.
If you wish to know more about it and want to interact with our team, feel free to drop us your interest here: https://vayavyalabs.com/contact-us/